Whenever you're putting a message out there - about your business, yourself, or a cause you feel passionate about, your words are important.
Not only do your words matter but you need to consider the particular feel and emotions you want to evoke in your audience.
- Are you selling a service - do your words need to be punchier?
- Does the feel need to encourage the reader to buy?
- Do you want to capture the reader's attention so that they won't delay in choosing your service or products?
- If you want to get a message across for something you're passionate about - conveying that feeling to your audience is vital. You need quite a different writing style to send that message.
- Are you looking to spread warmth and hope? Again, the treatment you need is vastly different!
Consider the emotions your audience is feeling while they are reading the article, as opposed to the emotions you'd like them to feel.
It’s vital that correct spelling and punctuation is used, as our language is devolving into one which cannot cope with the many nuances of meaning, and the message can be lost.
Don't forget - the only connection you have with the reader at that point is through what you have written, they will judge you on that.